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Photo from the Baby Shower!! It was really nice to see the family, not once, but TWICE in one week! We met at Aunt Sue's (not pictured) house earlier this week for the holiday weekend, but I'm not going to lie, it was much better with the little ones there on Saturday :)Nathan (Jennifer's baby) is ADORABLE! And Miss Sophie is growing so much! She would walk around and try to give you something, but when you weren't doing what she wanted you to do, she would just walk out of the room, go take a peek around the rest of the downstairs, and then come back to Mommy. She's such a cutie!!
Well what do you know, another month has gone by! So much for keeping up more regularly... Not to make excuses or anything, but I just don't have the TIME!! I never understood what all the grown-ups meant when they would talk about how you needed to make the most of your time because you can never get it back. Now, I COMPLETELY understand! However, I do not wish there was more of it, because I'm sure it would be just as busy.... Kind of like how people think that if they had MORE money then it would no longer be the root of all their worries, and then when they get more money they realize nothing's changed, they just have MORE money to worry about! It is the same with time.Anyway, enough of that rant. August was great! And of course, I don't have much time to write about it :) I'm in school fulltime, working part time at a job that I've had no official training for and crazy busy with family, friends and church activities. Sometimes, I can't even be bothered to go to the bathroom because that's 3 minutes of my life that I'll never get back! As I check my messages, I rarely wait for the message to finish before I'm working on returning the call or placing a new one... which explains why I have about 10 "saved" messages in my voice mailbox-- because I just never deleted them!I was telling a friend last night how, even though I sometimes feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions, I feel good! I'm happy, moving forward, and am constantly being faced with new challenges and opportunities. Heavenly Father really knows what He's doing up there. If we will let go of our "perfect plan," that if you're anything like me you have all written out and you just KNOW is going to work out perfectly, then He will lead us and guide us in a direction that will stretch us, that will make us into something that we would never have imagined or "planned" for ourselves. I still don't really know where I'm going, but I feel confident in my Heavenly Father, and am therefore much more hopeful about the journey I've been making.Enough philisophical mumbo-jumbo for now. Some recent good news: MARNE'S GETTING MARRIED!! Yep, my Mission Mother is engaged to be married on January 2, 2009! We'll be flying out on December 30th (My Birthday-- hint hint, nudge, nudge) and coming back on January 5th. I'm long-distantly planning her bridal shower :) So we hope to have everything sorted and set by General Conference weekend... a.k.a. Mission Reunion Weekend!This weekend there is Jennifer's Baby Shower :) and a Regional YSA Fireside right after that, so since I won't have much time tomorrow, my FRIDAY night will be devoted to study!